700 offers for catchy mobile phone numbers

“The auction which is in progress, offers 2,000 postpaid MCI catchy numbers which the base price of most numbers is sensible and not too expensive,” The director of Mobile Telecommunications Transactions Committee, Abol-Fazl Alishahi told Mobna news agency.
“Most of MCIs catchier numbers that had high base price have already been sold in previous auctions,” he added.
Catchy mobile phone numbers like 9121107110 and 09121109110 have been offered but no decisions have been made on numbers 09123456789 and 09121111111 so far.
Mobile phone number 09127777777 was sold at 577 million rials (61,000 dollars), making it the most expensive ever reached in a MCI catchy number auction.
In the previous eight auctions numbers like 09122222222, 09123333333 and 09122345678 were sold at 440 million rials (46,000 dollars), 430 million rials (45,000 dollars) and 120 million rials (12,700 dollars0 respectively.
So far out of 16,000 catchy mobile numbers of MCI only 5,000 have been sold.
At each auction only 30 percent of such numbers had an offer and the rest had either no offer or offers were below the opening price.


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