Iranian mobile news media review Thursday Aug 26, 2009

•    Telecommunication Company of Iran trade logo at bourse, closed from Aug 1, opened on Aug 26 with 42 percent price growth.
Mobna, ISNA, Mehr, Fars, ILNA and IRNA news agencies, Hamshahri, Jomhouri, Donyay-e Eghtesad, Zaman, Etemad, Sarmayeh, Ebtekar, Siyasat Rouz, Khorasan, Asr Eghtesad, Eghtesad Pouya, Tafahom, Abrar Eghtesadi, Asrar, Sobh Eghtesad, Hadaf o Eghtesad, Ghods, Jahan Sanat, Fanavaran, Jahan Eghtesad and Iranian newspapers reported.

•    Postal service tariffs offered through postal ATM terminals same as ordinary Post Office tariffs, Post Office managing director said.
ISNA news agency, Donyay-e Eghtesad, Jahan Eghtesad, Etemad, Fanavaran, Sobh Eghtesad, Mardom Salari, Eghtesad Pouya, Abrar Eghtesadi, Vatan Emrouz, Tehran Emrouz, Abrar and Poul newspapers reported.

•    Second private Post Office operator tender held within next two months, ICT minister deputy said.
Fars news agency, Keyhan, Etemad, Fanavaran, Sobh Eghtesad, Asr Eghtesad, Asrar, Poul and Jahan Eghtesad newspapers reported.

•    ICT ministry candidate announced one of his ministry’s goals was widespread public access to secure and high quality communication at reasonable cost.
Mobna, IRNA, Mehr, Fars, ILNA and ISNA news agencies, Iran, Poul, Sobh Eghtesad and Andisheh No newspapers reported.

•    Government has proposed Third Operator project to one of tender winner companies, Parliament’s head of telecommunication committee announced.
Mobna news agency, Iran, Donyay-e Eghtesad, Javan and Sobh Eghtesad newspapers reported.

•    Redesigning and renovating Tehran mobile phone network equipments completed this month, MCI managing director said.
Mobna news agency, Fanavaran, Sobh Eghtesad, Poul, Eghtesad Pouya and Abrar Eghtesadi newspapers reported.
•    Studies show 10 percent of internet users in Iran  addicted to internet or virtual spaces.
ISNA news agency, Hamshahri, Khorasan, Arman, Vatan Emrouz and Abrar Eghtesadi newspapers reported.

•    Telecommunication Company of Iran block share buyers to operate after reassignment and settling down, TCI managing director said.
ILNA, ISNA and Fars news agencies, Khorasan and Jahan Sanat newspapers reported.

•    Mobile Company of Iran published its four-year operation saying during ninth government’s first year there were 16,181,000 postpaid sim cards subscribers and 16,111,000 prepaid sim cards subscribers.
ILNA news agency, Asr Eghtesad, Eghtesad Pouya and Poul newspapers reported.
•    Site-Sharing Co. tariffs on common site installations sent to mobile phone operators, Mobile Company of Iran engineering deputy said.
SITNA news agency, Jahan Sanat and Abrar Eghtesadi newspapers reported.
•    Figures show installation of mobile phone and its penetration rate grew 371 and 702 percent respectively.
Fars news agency, Iran and Poul newspapers reported.
•    If Telecommunication Company of Iran privatization carried out completely, profit and capital would increase.
ILNA news agency, Sobh Eghtesad and Asr Eghtesad newspapers reported.

•    Researches show countries with higher internet penetration rate have higher export compared with countries with lower internet penetration rate.
ISNA news agency, Jahan Sanat and Abrar Eghtesadi newspapers reported.  
•    Mobile market sources believe with increase in demand for prepaid sim cards demand for low price mobile sets has increased.
Mobna news agency, Donyay-e Eghtesad and Abrar Eghtesadi newspapers reported.  

•    Laboratory to test and evaluate IPV6 and IPV4 equipments in transfer network inaugurated for the first time at Iran at Sharif Industrial University.
Mobna news agency and Poul newspaper reported.

•    Iran’s internet speed among lowest in the world despite present ICT minister slogan when seeking backing from MPs.
ILNA news agency and Poul newspaper reported.

•    Mobile smugglers import sets via illegal routes and make them active by changing serial number or ID number.
ISNA news agency and Asr Eghtesad newspaper reported.

•    By separating Infrastructure Company from Telecommunication Company of Iran each communication link would cost 8,000,000 rials, Telecommunication Company of Iran managing director said.
Mobna news agency reported.

•    If ICT Ministry candidate fulfils only 30 percent of his programs he will be regarded as successful, 8th Parliament’s former head of energy committee said.
Mobna news agency reported.

•    Parliament will support Reza Taghipour for Information and Communication Technology Ministry, Parliament telecommunication committee head said.
Fars news agency reported.

•    Fix sms service launched in Shiraz to pave way for landline phone sms, Fars Telecommunication Company managing director said.
Fars news agency reported.

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